Saturday 9 June 2007

But...but it features ninjas. How can it be bad?

While writing the previous post (and don't ask how this happened, although I will say that the song Baby Got Back was tangentially involved), I stumbled across one of those gems of popular culture that I wish I'd experienced when it was produced for the first time, just so that I could see whether it was quite as weird back then. I won't spoil exactly what it is - I'll let you see the video for yourself below - but I will tell you that it includes:

  • Vanilla Ice

  • A keytar

  • Knee socks

  • A style of dancing that must surely have been the forerunner of Riverdance

  • And four (probably now very embarrassed) men wearing costumes which you had almost certainly entirely forgotten about...

Click away, and enjoy.

As ever, I don't own this video, so it's not available under my CC licence. By the way, do keep watching until the end, if only to see the priceless brief interview with Ice himself. Look closely, and you will see the faint terror flicker in his eyes as he realises just what he is saying...

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