Wednesday 28 March 2007

He jumped banana and said cheap meds!

If you look up to the top of the page you'll see the Blogger navbar. Not only is this a useful device from the point of view of telling you that you're on a blog run by Blogger (admittedly, not really tricky to work out), it also has the "Next Blog" button which can direct you to practically anything. When I clicked it just now, for instance, I ended up here.

It took me a while to work out just what it was, but I think it's using the same technology that spammers use to disguise their emails and get them into your inbox. Quite why anyone would look at an email and say "oh, look, meaningless gibberish. Ooh, but it's also offering me cheap Viagra, I'll buy some" is beyond me, but presumably it's a successful enough business model that peopel still do it. I can only assume that this blog is doing the same thing, so that people like me can stumble across it (or possibly other spammers can leave links to it elsewhere, so it looks like nothing more than a normal blog) and notice the links saying "cheap cialis" and "buy viagra" standing out from the randomly-strung-together words.

The funny thing is that the sentences padding out the "blog entries" are complete nonsense, but very grammatical nonsense. It's like a computer suddenly contracted Wernicke's Aphasia. In its own weird way, it's almost like poetry. Really bad poetry, admittedly, perhaps the kind of poetry that self-important postmodern poets would come up with after a few too many pills, but it still makes for interesting reading.

Just don't read it too closely...I'm not sure where the words came from, but it's possibly not the most pleasant of sources...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're now on my little bar of shortcuts, so expect more regular visitations by your favourite english student at Magdalen :)
crazy website - tis a bit like self important postmodern poetry. Then again, most poetry is self-important. Discuss.